01 May 2007


You are
The truth in all my lies
The fact in all my fiction
The reality in all my fantasies
The loyalty in all my treachery

You are
The brightest light in my darkest hours
The utmost beauty in my appalling ugliness
The deepest love in my raging hatred
The immaculate purity in my desecration

You are
The relief to all my grief
The answer to all my prayers
The enlightenment to all my queries
The comfort to all my suffering

You are
The kindness to my inhumane cruelty
The gentleness to my thoughtless harshness
The forgiveness to my vindictive vendettas
The endlessness to my bounded limitations

You are
The aim I have to achieve
The goal I have to realize
The mission I have to complete
The quest I have to consummate

You are
My one
My only


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