12 May 2007


...of nothing.

I don't have the time, money and can't be bothered to put in any effort on anything anymore.

I love writing (or whining, depending on how you look at it). But I guess this'll be as far as it goes. I love taking photos. But I don't have the balls to fork out the cash for some DSLR that I would most probably use for about 6 months only. & all the ideas I've had for so long simply remain just that. Ideas. Unexecuted ideas. Or executed, yes, but in the 'death by hanging' sort of a thing you know?

So even at work now, I have a choice, & I have to make a choice between two different job scopes.

So what do I do now? You tell me.

I'm still waiting for that ever encouraging inspiration: last-minute panic!

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